January 15 to February 1, 2009 |
During the Prep, Production and Post
Production Module (PPPM) held at The Banff Centre, participants receive
coaching and mentorship from seasoned professionals while they explore
aspects of working with actors, cinematographers, editors, designers and crews,
practice casting, rehearsing, leading and communicating through hands-on
production experiences.
Participants are expected to have a
working knowledge of the prep, production and post production process
however, in the safe learning environment at WIDC, there is room for
questions you might have been afraid to ask. At WIDC, what might be
considered mistakes in the real world, are considered learning opportunities.
Participants emerge with a DVD of the
works-in-progress* for personal promotion and analysis and a new network
of professional associates.
*The works-in-progress are not for broadcast
or festival screening.
participants attend classroom sessions led by program Mentors with the
objectives of determining and filling skills and knowledge gaps and
exploring story-telling styles. Classroom sessions are followed up
with practical hands-on exercises designed to build confidence and
develop working relationships with editors, cinematographers and
designers. Classroom Sessions and Hands-on Exercises include:
Mentor Director's Overview: leadership,
vision, creative style, casting, problem-solving, shot-listing
Aspects of working with Actors: eliciting dynamic performances,
communication, scene breakdown
Aspects of working with the Cinematographer: lenses, lighting, depth
of field, eye-line, blocking for camera, shot-listing
Aspects of Post Production: finessing emotional arcs,
compressing/stretching time, style choices
Aspects of working with Designers: production, costumes, music and
Mentorship Sessions: Individual meetings with mentors are arranged
to discuss learning goals and director's vision for the MAIN Scene
Actors and Crew join the workshop. Casting and warm-up production
and post production exercises provide an opportunity for building
confidence, developing working relationships, testing and exploring
creative theories and techniques learned. Exercises include:Casting/Audition Exercise: a simulation of
the casting process allows each director to conduct auditions with the
acting ensemble while benefiting from the insights and mentorship of the
Mentor Director and Mentor Actor.
Blocking for Camera Master Class: an opportunity to observe the
Mentor Director with Mentor Cinematographers, crew and actors as they
block and shoot a short scene in studio including running commentary,
discussion of vision and process deconstruction.
Guerrilla Shoot Exercise: Each of the 8 directors is given a 2-3
minute pre-cast script, sent out on location with their crew (no
lighting, art dept, makeup or hair) and given 4 hours to capture the
essence of the story. They are then given 4 hours with an editor to
execute a rough cut of their Guerrilla Scene. A group discussion
with the Mentors follows this exercise, again deconstructing vision and
goals, process; what worked and what didn't, and lessons learned.
MAIN Scene Exercise: With their respective
casts and crews all 8 director participants cast, prep, block and
rehearse their MAIN Scenes (the original scripts that were story-edited
during the SIM). Each director is given a 5-hour studio block to shoot
her 2-3 minute script. She is then given a 5-hour block to execute
a rough cut. Following individual sessions with the Mentors,
directors are given a second 5-hour studio block to re-shoot the entire
script, capture missing footage, or experiment using the same set, cast
and crew. A final 5-hour editing session followed immediately by a
short music and sound mix is offered to bring the project to a
work-in-progress stage. Following intensive individual and group
exit/feedback sessions with Mentors, a private premiere screening of
these works-in-progress takes place on the final weekend of the PPPM.
Complimentary DVD's are provided to all participants.
In addition to serving the various productions as cast, Acting Ensemble
members have the opportunity to participate in actors work-outs with the
Mentor Actor. Information sessions with Mentor Cinematographers
and Editors may also be scheduled.PROFESSIONAL CREW
Professional Crew have the opportunity to apply for upgrade positions
(e.g. 2nd assistant camera to 1st assistant camera). In their
respective crew positions they are expected to offer mentorship and
guidance to their department (e.g. 1st assistant camera coaches and
mentors the 2nd assistant camera). They are expected to conduct
mini-workshops within their respective departments to orient work study
/ volunteer crew to the job as well as on set process and protocols.
Work study / Volunteer Crew members have the opportunity to gain
hands-on practical experience working on set with professional crew.
Senior film studies program students may use this opportunity to fulfill
a practicum requirement. Union Permittees may apply this
opportunity towards their required on-set hours.